Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Chapter 3 : The Rusty...


We use that word quite often, without realising the importance of the thing which it names. Bike, actually, is one of the thing which determined the human history on this planet. History is nothing else but the witness of the bike and the changes it brought to humanity. It has been, in the same time, most effective and denied tool that anyone can use to reach the power. Our recent history is full of obvious examples. Positives and negatives ones.

Let's see the example of Hitler. As we all know, one of the main reason that Nazis have lost WWII is the decision of Hitler to reach south (Line Kiev-Leningrad) of USSR, to get the necessary oil for its panzers to move. And that delay costed the failure of German war machine. The military strategicians are still discussing if Hitler should directly move forward to Moscow or not. For that issue, I will save my opinion to myself. But let me say, it really suprises me the fact that nobody ask this question : "What if Nazis would have bikes, instead of panzers?" Bikes doesnt' need oil, therefore if Nazis would have bikes instead of panzers, they could easily capture Moscow, then Russia, then so on... You see, Hitler's choice on ignoring bikes did cost him a lot.

Now a positive example : You know China. That big country in Asia, being the most crowded country in the world. This country, for the last decade, is the brillant example of economical growth and wealth acquiring. Did you ever think why? Because they use bikes, a lot. That's their secret. If you're not convinced, let me remind you that India is another brillant developping country, and guess what : They also use bikes. And a lot.

Well, I can still imagine that some of yours are so stubborn that you have still some doubts. This following example will remove them all, don't worry. Let's forget all this historical stuff, economical growth or whatever, and let's focus on reality... On the most important things which determines our daily lives... You want real facts, here they are : How do you think that Swedish people are so beautiful?

Because they ride bikes! The undeniable high correlation between a)riding bike and b)being beautiful. That's proven in scientific ways. You can also take negative examples to cross-check. In that case you know where to go. (A short silence here, by author)

Yes, Swedish people ride bikes. Almost all of them. All around. The old lady, the young student dressed like a top-model, the businessman with its tie... All of them. Bikes are like ambulance or police cars here, they have high priority while crossing the street. They have their own roads, bridges, traffic lights...

The first day I came here, actually the morning after, I needed a bike for the reasons explained in Chapter 1. My landlord offered me his bike, 'cause he isn't using it. So, for the last 10 days I have been here, I'm going all the way between home and university + Uppsala by bike. It's 50 km. of bike ride per day. My ass is like steel now, but my balls aren't very happy on that situation. They complain quite frequently. I wanted to buy a second hand bike, a good one, to be able to do this stuff a bit easier + make some MTB in this green and heavenly town; but the prices are so high that I guess I will wait for some trip to Germany or Belgium to buy a brandnew one.

Well, I spend lot of quality time with my bike, yes, but it doesn't mean that it will be forever for sure. You can never know, yes; but still I dont' believe in relations between mens and bikes, I mostly believe in a voluntary freedom, you know... And the bike, yes, actually it's blonde as usual here, it makes some nice sound when you ride it, but its breaks doesnt work properly and it's a bit heavy; it's not my type I mean. So, I guess we will be together for a while still, but when I find a more beatiful one (lighter, can be blonde or dark - I dont care about the color a lot, with stronger breaks and also something with which I can also spend my weekends in forest for example), I will give it away and take the new one. We will see..

And check out the map above the page :
My house is on a bit south more, outside of picture.
The "i" is my university.
The redline is the road I use to get the university
The green thing written Klatter-... is the artificial wall I'm going to climb.

Next week on "Stay a while and listen" : Will Dudu find its soulmate on Swedish lands? It is true, the myth about Swedish girls? Does the dogs bites in Sweden? How many days you need to forget your motherlanguage when you're abroad? What's the hidden thoughts on Dudu's mind? All these important matters and more, next week on Stay a while and listen...

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