So I give up. Yes, I wont try to catch it up here... I will just write now, about now. I'm quite sure that I will provoke myself to make myself mention all the amazingly real stuff happened to me recently, but I will do my best to stop myself from provokating myself.
Now I'm in a eco-house. Arrived here 2 weeks ago. It's a two story wood building and it is more then perfect. I live on the edge of the forest. I'm working on a project about eco-villages. I stay in that house, and alone. I'm free to do whatever I want, do wake up and go to sleep and to watch a movie or whatever, whenever I want. I'm free to walk in the house as I want (naked, semi-naked, semi-dressed). I'm also free to go, whenever and if I want, to watch people working in the wood workshop, or to have a mountainbike ride in the forest behind me, or to join the "fika" (coffee bread, swedish style), or to eat...
I'm so free to do whatever I want that it started to give pain. Really. Of course not, just kidding. Or maybe not. No, I'm not not kidding. I'm so f.king free, working on something I love, spending almost no money to survive, going to some country every month or twice a month (for the meetings of the organizations in which I have some... responsabilities, lets say. and yeah, they pay the costs. Otherwise I'm a poor man, no money to travel around all the time). Well I guess that's "as you sow, so you shall reap" . Or; "You lucky bastard".
Well, that's it. Actually the idea to write a post here came to me when I was thinnking (and writing, for some other purpose) how I finish stuff 2 minutes before they should be done. Well, I'm not exagerating. And that's not an "exceptional" situation for me. Few simple examples :

B) Moved out of my house, put all my stuff to my friends' place, cleaned it, went to the train station to leave for abroad. (Thinking of I was going to go thousand of km by train, if I miss one train, I would be fucked up). I reached the station, threw myself on board, and train has left. I made it in last 15-20 sec. And the thing is that I didnt have a single moment of stopping for the last 6 hours of moving out, cleaning and running to train station... So somehow I managed to organize a "6 hour lenght timeline with a 15-20 sec of risk margin"
To finish, I have to point out that Case A happened 5 times to me in my last 6 months, and Case B happened 2 times (exactly the same), in my last 5 months.

I guess they're not deer, but gazelle maybe?