Lot of things happened since last time, and I will try to catch the today's time in following chapters. But now, it's about "The Wanderer"
Yeah, so I was quite excited about the fact that I would have a schengen visa for 2 years. Actually I should use present time, I'm still excited. And apparently I'm quite fulfiling these dreams of mine about traveling. I did, I do and I will. Let me explain how and why.

- 5 big cities
- 3 countries
- 3.000+ kilometers by train + ferry
First weekend, I took this drunk ferry to go forth and back to Helsinki (and I passed through Stockholm).
Second weekend, I went to Malmö (for the EGP meeting ) and passed to Copenhagen for few hours.
Second weekdays, I traveled to the mid-Sweden, which was gorgeous.
Do you want more?
Yes we do. Unfortunately. We, atleast the ones who're under the curse of modern times... Yes, we do always want more.
Last weekend I went to Zagreb, Crotia for the meeting of CDN.
4 different airports, several hours of flight. Obviously not the best way of travelling for me.
Balkans are nice.
Further invetigation noted as a future plan.
In December, I will go to Copenhagen for the COP15 meetings, as a delegate from FYEG.
After this (starting from 20th december) I will still have an interrail card for 2 weeks, which means that I will hit the roads again by train. I got holidays until (at least) 18th of january, and I'm trying to decide whether to
- go to Southern Spain, El Chorro to join my friends for climbing. Then follow the sea side to the east, spend the new year in Florence in a friends' commun house at Toscana hills, and arrive to Serbia for 10 days of snowboard with my snowboard instructor serbian friend (free accomodation and equipment)
- or to go south directly from Copenhagen, pass through Germany (meet an "old" friend of mine and spend few days), visit Bosnian friends in Tuzla and Sarajevo and arrive to Serbia, snowboard, and go back through Poland to see a friend..
Then, most probably, I will spend 2 months of mine (in spring) again in Europe, by hitchiking around and visiting eco-villages on my way. But there is still time for that, so let's leave it for future chapters.
The good thing about all these travels that I mentionned until now is that I didn't spend any money for these. That's what makes me enable actually, to travel. You're asking how is that possible? Well, that's a secret. Or not.
Well, The morning arrives (according to time, but there is no sun ofcourse). Time to go to bed and... enjoy the darkness.
Life is tough.