That's your friend Marta (or Nada? 'cause they are twins. But then I realize, it's Marta) from Serbia, one of the people you've met in Czech Republic for the first time. And now, this Serbian girl and Turkish boy meet in Sweden.
You can call it coincidence, luck or fate. You can even calculate the probability of such a thing taking the subjects' social networks size's into consideration. But wait a little more, before starting your calculations.
You start to talk. "What are you doing here!" is the first question ofcourse. You explain your reason to be there, and now it's her turn. She says she's here to learn swedish.
-But why? Why you want to learn swedish?
-Because I want to do my master here in Sweden next year.
-Oh I see. In which university?
-There is an university called SLU in Uppsala, do you know?
Some nasty smile in your face.
-Well, I know this university, yes. Tell me which program you want to study?
-Rural Development and Natural Resou...
"The nasty smile in your face" become "a nastier smile on your face".
-Well, that's what I'm doing now.
Now you have enough data to calculate the probability of that. That's an open call for everybody who call him/herself as a mathematician, statistics expert, or whatever the title is.
As the theme of today, I will give you some other data then. That's how I'm spending (generally) a week of mine here. Well, I'm planning to share this chart once a month, so I can go back and say to myself :
- "Hehe, you see how it's changed?" or
- "Fck! It's my 2nd year and I'm still doing the same shit!" or
- "That's what I call stability, maann!" or
- "Girl, you know what? It was good in the beginning, better afterwards, and now it's perfect. 'Cause I found you. Come here and kiss me."
So, as you know, a week is consisted of 7 days. And a day is consisted of 24 hours. Which means that
1 week = 168 hours
The question is how did I spend this 168 hours during september 2009.
The answer is :
- Sleeping : 50 hours (% 29,7)
- Surfing internet&Mails etc : 20 hours (% 12)
- Classes in University : 17 hours (% 10,1)
- Riding bike for travelling : 15 hours (% 8,9)
- Friends & Going out : 15 hours (% 8,9)
- Resting, eating, shower : 15 hours (% 8,9)
- Study - Reading&Writing : 10 hours (% 6)
- Climbing : 8 hours (% 4,8)
- Other stuff : 6 hours (% 3,6)
- Looking for a flat to move : 5 hours (% 3)
- Looking for a job : 5 hours (% 3)
- Orienteering : 2 hour (% 1,2)
Okay, I know it's shitty to make statistics like that. But still, it's fun. And it's good for all kind of retrospective self-evaluation. And some people may ask, "When do you think, calculate, plan, and blabla, then?" Well the answer is "All the time, while doing other stuff."

In the times like that, you feel a regret in your heart. You regret for having prejudgements like "he hates me", you ask yourself why you didn't start the conversation with a simple "hey dude" and why waited him to start talking first. And as the biggest pain, you know it's too late to ask these question now.
All you can do is to hope that he had a good, happy and smiling life. You just want to believe in it. And you think of his close friends, his family... It makes you feel sad, but it makes to understand, once again, the meaning of life.